Making the Most of Your Spare Time

A Guide to Intentional Living

You dream of having abundant free time to sip oat flat whites in cozy cafes or pursue hobbies like playing the guitar or redecorating your home office. But I see you! You do have pockets of spare time that you flush away scrolling on Instagram and doing busy work like replying to emails and tidying your living room. I see you because I've been there too.

The Guilt of Spare Time

We often start our businesses with the dream of having more freedom and spare time to enjoy life. We envision taking time off whenever we please, spending quality moments with loved ones, and pursuing our passions without constraints. But somewhere along the way, we get trapped in a cycle of guilt when we do take time off or engage in non-work-related activities.

We've all been there, right? The feeling that we should always be working on income-generating tasks can be overwhelming. We find ourselves feeling a bit naughty for stepping away from our business, even when spare time does show up.

The Quest for Productivity

This article topic was inspired by a member's question in our Overflow Collective expert session. She's a list-lover, someone who thrives on the satisfaction of checking off tasks. But here's the catch: while the short-term gratification of checking items off her to-do list feels great, it doesn't lead to long-term fulfillment or progress toward her goals.

So, she experimented with a "one big thing a day" strategy. She'd pick a crucial task for the day, complete it, and then take the rest of the day off. Sounds ideal, right? But even when she had all that spare time, it often felt like a waste.

We Don’t Know What to Do With It

The common thread here is that many of us don't know what to do with our spare time. Instead of savoring it, we often default to activities like mindlessly scrolling through social media or tackling chores we feel obligated to complete. This is the complete opposite of what we dream of with a freedom-based lifestyle.

Be Intentional

But guess what? Spare time doesn't have to be a wasteland. It can be intentional and transformative. Imagine creating a "spare time menu" filled with activities that may seem unproductive on the surface—like reading a book, learning a new skill, taking a leisurely walk, meeting a friend, or simply enjoying a cup of tea in your sunny garden.

These activities provide your brain with the rest and creative freedom it craves. You might be surprised at the flood of ideas and inspiration that can come when you intentionally embrace downtime. It's a game-changer for creativity and overall well-being.

Building Your Spare Time Menu

So, here's a challenge for you: start crafting your own spare time menu.

These activities should be personally fulfilling and unrelated to business productivity. They may feel like a waste of time on the surface, but they're actually investments in your creativity and happiness.

What's Next?

Now, I'd love to hear from you. Are you ready to create your spare time menu?

👇 Drop me a DM and share your first item on the list. I can't wait to see your creative ideas.

Remember, success isn't measured by the number of hours you work but by the intentionality and effectiveness of your actions.

You've got everything within you to succeed, and it starts with making the most of your precious spare time.

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